Thursday, February 5, 2015

Managing to Nourish

Yesterday I went to the funeral of a fellow mother of multiples (twins plus five!).

She was DeAnna Welling Packer, but we knew her only as Mother Packer. It was said that "I'd rather see a sermon than hear one." And how she was a living sermon of Christlike qualities. And the sermon this angel Mother left me is this:

She did not manage her children at all. She simply nourished them. Like a gardener in the soil, she planted the seeds, provided all of the water, nutrients and sunshine they needed, and then let them grow. And what a beautiful garden she turned out to have!  Some daisies, some roses, some extras (like me and my friends) that got added to the pot along the way.
I'm so blessed to have Lori Packer Truman in my life. And we both are in love with our friend Jeanine's baby :)

Her light shone so bright that it was tempting to only see your own insignifigance and shrink in her presence. But as a true Mother she never allowed that. She opened her blanket of warmth and wrapped you up in it so tightly that you couldn't help but be reminded of your own light and to feel only inspired to make it grow.

She was so good at validating the weeds you think you have, but only inspiring you to  turn them into flowers again...not by force or grit, but only invitation and love.  Not unlike our Savior. So much like our Savior.

So now the only thing that I want to "manage" is myself-to become more like the mother He wants me to be. And hopefully I will help them see  more flower than weed.

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