Monday, March 2, 2015

For Real

So people have been telling me that they like that I'm "real". So I've been giving thought to what that means. I don't know if I like it so much. Cause the real I am means the things I am not. And I am not a lot of things:clean, on time, matched, artistic, a cook, a musician, a poet. I am not high energy. I am not fast.
 So what does all of that look like?  It looks like a family of six trudging two carts through Costco with a toddler screaming through the aisles and with a face so booger slimed and dirty I'm surprised someone didn't call CPS. It looks like a son who throws fit after fit because he's tired and hungry but really it's cause he's sad he's the  only boy. It looks like toddlers climbing and climbing and climbing out of their cribs and saying mine mmine mine mmine I do it I do it I do it! And it looks like a freshly vacumned floor with new crumbs and toys within seconds. And a sink full of dishes and three laundry baskets waiting to fold. And a never ending list of projects: hang the pictures, catch up on blog, send note to friend, order birthday present, check on gma, etc.  You have those things too.

If I look at this "real" for too long then I admit it--it's depressing! It's overwhelming! It's all consuming.  But...are you ready for it...there is a BUT...

I know I'm blessed.
I know it doesn't last forever.
I know that others have a harder and longer "real"
I know that there is help! Divine help, neighbor help, friend help,pychiatric help, and let's blog about it and get it off my chest help.
And so all of this means that I can have a total breakdown I'm hopeless fit on Friday and on Sunday I can sit in the middle of all this realness and laugh and laugh.

Because this roller coaster, highway, box of chocolates, life test, insert your favorite analogy here, is REAL. And I'm happy to at least be that.

This was supposed to be a cute video of E copying everything B did or said. But of course she stopped as soon as the camera came out. I also have a really cute video of them at library story time, but my phone broke before it could upload to backup. Of course. :)

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