Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Two Much?

So we've been dealing with some challenges lately, and I've been struggling. Not anything huge or unusual, but just enough that I have become depleted more than usual. I feel inadequate and lost more often than not. And I'm trying really hard to count my blessings, but the truth of the matter is that life is getting busier and harder and I am just not getting any more capable. Have I grown extra arms? Nope! Have I been allotted more hours in the day? Nope! Have I suddenly discovered that I can get by without sleep, food, or showers? No, although I'm setting a record for that last one.

Life with two twins is harder than I thought. And it's hard to not be able to really relate to the other moms around me. Trust me, I KNOW your life is hard. I see you doing amazing things and struggling with your kids just as much as I do. But it's just DIFFERENT. Not good or bad, harder or easier, but different in most ways. Or maybe it's exactly the same, but I just don't know!  

Sometimes I look at my life and think, it's TOO MUCH! We're TOO much!  We fill up and permeate everything and everywhere and everyone. 

Every once in awhile I decide to break routine and be the "fun mom". So we packed up and went to the dollar store. The kids had earned prizes for doing so well at school, so I thought it would be the perfect spot to go. We walked in and of course the carts aren't big enough to safely handle two climbing toddlers, so I thought, "sure, they can walk around." Um, no. I have never seen merchandise flung onto tile faster than that day. I actually want to get a hold of the security footage to laugh at myself as I replace ducks and pens and firecrackers and coin purses to their proper place. And then laugh as I just throw everything into the basket, and chuck it at the 17 year old clerk while lollipops are being lobbed back and forth between children. An entire Asian family crowded in line behind me, took one look and fled. 

And yes, these experiences are TOO much for me...most of the time. But this is what I remember from that trip..

In the middle of all the dollar store chaos, I had a chance to have a brief exchange with one family. They were looking down at my children and I expected them to have a look of disgust with how poorly I was disciplining them. But instead, this young man looked at them and said, "you are so blessed.".  I was tempted to scoff. And to laugh. And to make some comment about how I was failing. Because I often fail. But instead, I let his comment just sink into my soul and I commented, 

"Thank you. Yes, I am." 

Because I am blessed. TWO much.

1 comment:

  1. This nearly made me cry! You are blessed! (so sweet!) But blessings can come in hard little 18 month old cute packages! :) You do more amazing than you give yourself credit for! And yes twins HAS to be harder...No comparison at all!
